今年は例年よりも温かく、山中湖でのトレッキングのお昼をしっかり噛んで食べることができました。終日富士山全開!白鳥とその子供たちともさ沢山会えました。今回の参加者(50代2名)の方たちも山中湖一周完歩しました!!!朝の酵素ドリンクと昼・夜の半断食でしっかり歩き、ツボ押しとヨガと瞑想・・・。心も身体も短期間でスッキリします。 今月末はまだ空きがあります。そして来月はいよいよ野草の酵素作りです。
This year was warmer than usual, so we were able to chew and eat our lunch on our Lake Yamanaka trek. All day long, Mt. Fuji was fully open and showed us what it looked like.
We also met a lot of swans and their children.
The participants this time (2 people in their 50s) also completed a walk around Lake Yamanaka! ! !
Enzyme drink for breakfast, half-fasting during the day and night, walking, pressure points, yoga and meditation. The mind and body will be refreshed in a short period of time.
We still have openings at the end of this month. And next month is finally making wildflower enzymes.Please feel free to contact me.